550 Earth sciences and geology

Dublin Core


550 Earth sciences and geology

Collection Items

Governance for Drought Resilience: Land and Water Drought Management in Europe
Climate Change Management and Policy; Water Policy/Water Governance/Water Management

Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development
Climate Change; Sustainable Development; Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts; Environmental Management

Enabling Things to Talk
Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet); Business IT Infrastructure; Computer Appl. in Administrative Data Processing; Operations Management; Software Engineering; Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems; Business Information Systems;…

Quaternary Vegetation Dynamics – The African Pollen Database
This book celebrates the relaunch of the African Pollen Database, presents state-of-the-art of modern and ancient pollen data from sub-Saharan Africa, and promotes Open Access science. Pollen grains are powerful tools for the study of past vegetation…

Solar Energetic Particles: A Modern Primer on Understanding Sources, Acceleration and Propagation
This open access book serves as a concise primer introducing the non-specialist reader to the physics of solar energetic particles (SEP). It systematically reviews the evidence for the two main mechanisms which lead to the so-called impulsive and…

Routledge Handbook of Climate Change Impacts on Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
This Handbook examines the diverse ways in which climate change impacts Indigenous Peoples and local communities and considers their response to these changes.

While there is well-established evidence that the climate of the Earth is changing, the…

Sustainability in Geotechnics
This Special Issue presents some works considered innovative in the field of sustainability in geotechnics and whose practical application is already current or may occur in the near future. The Special Issue brings together sixteen papers that, not…

Environmental and Health Issues and Solutions for Anticoccidials and other Emerging Pollutants of Special Concern
The following is the reprint of the Special Issue “Environmental and Health Issues and Solutions for Anticoccidials and other Emerging Pollutants of Special Concern”, which could be seen as a continuation of the previous Special Issue focusing on…
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