600 Technology

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600 Technology

Collection Items

Our Nanotechnology Future
This book explores nanotechnology, a rapidly evolving and growing field with applications in a large number of areas. The concepts and physics are highlighted through topics such as nanoscience, quantum effects, nanostructures, and new forms of…

Recent Trend in Electrochemical Science and Technology
This book titled "Recent Trend in Electrochemical Science and Technology" contains a selection of chapters focused on advanced methods used in the research area of electrochemical science and technologies; descriptions of electrochemical systems;…

The Role of Technology in Education
This book has three sections on the role of technology in education. The first section covers the merits of online learning and environment. The second section of the book gives insight on new technologies in learning and teaching. The third section…

Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Applications
Computers and machines were developed to reduce time consumption and manual human efforts to complete projects efficiently. With fast-growing technologies in the field, we have finally reached a stage where almost everyone in the world has access to…

Electrical power and energy systems are at the forefront of application developments in renewable energy, smart grids, electric aircrafts, electric and hybrid vehicles and much more. The associated technologies and control methods are crucial to…

Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Cities: <br /><br />
A Guidebook for Citizens, Public Officials and Planners
This guidebook presents a framework for climate adaptation planning for coastal cities, large and small, focused on the central roles of citizens, public officials, and planners. The book is designed to help all stakeholders in coastal cities…

Deterritorializing the Future: Heritage in, of and after the Anthropocene
Understanding how pasts resource presents is a fundamental first step towards building alternative futures in the Anthropocene. This collection brings together scholars from a range of disciplines to explore concepts of care, vulnerability, time,…

Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation: Trade-offs and Governance
Understanding how to sustain the services that ecosystems provide in support of human wellbeing is an active and growing research area. This book provides a state-of-the-art review of current thinking on the links between ecosystem services and…

Global Warming in Local Discourses: How Communities around the World Make Sense of Climate Change
"Global news on anthropogenic climate change is shaped by international politics, scientific reports and voices from transnational protest movements. This timely volume asks how local communities engage with these transnational discourses. The…

Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) electro-optic modulators for high-speed and power-efficient communications
Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) modulators add a highly efficient nonlinear organic electro-optic cladding material to the silicon photonic platform, thereby enabling efficient electro-optic modulation. In this book, the application potential of SOH…
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