This Special Issue aims to provide new insights into the issue of the mercury contamination of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. This ubiquitous contaminant has been used by humans for many years, resulting in global contamination. When this toxic…
Oceanic internal waves (IWs) at frequencies from local inertial (e.g., near-inertial internal waves) to buoyancy frequencies (nonlinear internal waves or internal solitary waves), sometimes including diurnal and semidiurnal tidal frequencies, play an…
By analysing various conflicts, this book discusses the social, political, economic and legal attributes that are attached to the practice of traditional (communal) marine tenure. Selling the Sea pushes the discourse beyond the conventional approach…
This reprint is a comprehensive compilation of both new discoveries and methods related to nature hydrate and deep-water hydrocarbon. This reprint contains the advanced methods used in natural gas hydrate and deep-water hydrocarbon exploration. Its…
The drug policies of the Nordic countries have been relatively strict. Since this seems to contradict the internationally recognized liberal criminal policy in general, analyses have been devoted to try to understand this gap. Why doesn’t the…
Beaches are places that give and take, bringing unexpected surprises to society, and pulling essentials away from it. Through monsters, we confront our tiny time between catastrophes and develop a recognition of Otherness by which an ethical…
This book provides an understanding on a large variety of related topics in fish biology. The further development on molecular and cellular biology and ecology leads to assimilate the newer scientific knowledge in this area. Leading research works…
This book provides an introduction to noncommutative geometry and presents a number of its recent applications to particle physics. In the first part, we introduce the main concepts and techniques by studying finite noncommutative spaces, providing a…
This book covers technical articles based on individual contributions from a number of authors working on offshore wind, wave and tidal energy research. Articles describing various aspects of offshore wind, wave and tidal energies including resource…