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  • Collection: 500 Science

41. Behavioral_Impairment_in_Aquatic_Organisms_Exposed_to_Neurotoxic_Pollutants.jpg
Neuroactive chemicals are the largest group of micropollutants present in European rivers. There is increasing concern about the behavioral effects of these neuroactive chemicals on aquatic wildlife, potentially resulting in detrimental effects on…

Promoting Statistical Practice and Collaboration in Developing Countries.jpg
"Rarely, but just often enough to rebuild hope, something happens to confound my pessimism about the recent unprecedented happenings in the world. This book is the most recent instance, and I think that all its readers will join me in rejoicing at…

8. Sea_Surface_Temperature_From_Observation_to_Applications.jpg
Sea surface temperature (SST) has been defined byWorld Meteorological Organization
(WMO) as one of the essential climate variables (ECVs) contributing to the characterization
of Earth’s climate. As one of the ECVs, SST study and analysis have been…

10. Sea_Level_Fluctuations.jpg
Sea level changes and atmospheric pressure fluctuations, superimposed on these changes, are
of tremendous significance, and should be studied when researching various non-uniformly scaled
When studying various non-uniformly scaled…

15. .jpg
Bacterial motility is a widespread characteristic that can provide several advantages for the
cell, allowing it to move towards more favorable conditions and enabling host-associated processes
such as colonization. There are different bacterial…

6. Ecology and Conservation of Freshwater Fishes Biodiversity.jpg
Our study analyzes the distribution of fish communities related to the environmental
variables of the Alto Madre de Dios River, an Andean-Amazon watershed of southern Peru, between
300 and 2811 m a.s.l. within the Manu Biosphere Reserve. We provide…

7. Diversity of Coral-Associated Fauna II.jpg
Coral reefs are known to be among the most biodiverse marine ecosystems and one of the
richest in terms of associations and species interactions, especially those involving invertebrates such
as corals and sponges. Despite that, our knowledge about…

2. Otoliths_and_Their_Applications_in_Fishery_Science.jpg
Otoliths are one of the most useful and important biological structures for the various
studies of fish, leading to many practical applications that are not limited only to
ichthyology. It is, therefore, not surprising that different approaches to…

6. Natural_Product_from_the_Deep_Sea.jpg
Many scientists have tried to isolate novel and active compounds mainly from micro-organisms,
including bacteria, Streptomyces, fungi, plants, and ordinary marine organisms since the middle of
the 20th century. However, after the long history of…

4. Current Advances and Challenges in Fisheries and Aquaculture Science.jpg
In ectotherm species, environmental temperature plays a key role in development, growth,
and survival. Thus, determining how temperature affects fish populations is of utmost importance to
accurately predict the risk of climate change over…
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