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  • Collection: 500 Science

Direct Radiative Effects of Sea Salt on the Regional Scale.jpg
This thesis aims to quantify the direct radiative effects of sea salt aerosol in the atmosphere. The online coupled regional scale model system COSMO-ART is extended for this objective with respect to the sea salt aerosol. Furthermore, a new sea salt…

31. Discovery_and_Research_on_Aquatic_Microorganisms.jpg
Aquatic environments, including freshwater and marine ecosystems, raw and treated sewage, sludge, and sediments, are home to a huge variety of microorganisms that mediate the recycling of dissolved organic carbon and recalcitrant substrata into food…

7. Diversity of Coral-Associated Fauna II.jpg
Coral reefs are known to be among the most biodiverse marine ecosystems and one of the
richest in terms of associations and species interactions, especially those involving invertebrates such
as corals and sponges. Despite that, our knowledge about…

11. Diversity_of_Marine_Fungi_as_a_Source_of_Bioactive_Natural_Products.jpg
Bioactive metabolites from marine-derived fungi are known to be an important source of drug discoveries. Natural product scientists have explored various environments, such as the deep ocean and polar regions, as well as marine mangrove ecosystems,…

47. Duckweed_Research_Meets_Applications.jpg
Duckweed (Lemnaceae) represents a small aquatic monocot plant family presently composed of 36 species. These plants gained importance in recent decades for their applications in wastewater purification, as animal food or human nutrition, as well as…

6. Ecology and Conservation of Freshwater Fishes Biodiversity.jpg
Our study analyzes the distribution of fish communities related to the environmental
variables of the Alto Madre de Dios River, an Andean-Amazon watershed of southern Peru, between
300 and 2811 m a.s.l. within the Manu Biosphere Reserve. We provide…

Effects of Climate Change Across Ocean Regions.jpg
The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) highlighted that conditions within Earth’s ocean are changing more rapidly than any of the time during the past 65 million years, and as a consequence, major changes are occurring in natural and human systems.…

23. Effects_of_Species_Introduction_on_Aquatic_Communities.jpg
Freshwater ecosystems are deeply affected by human pressure, such as species introduction, which remains a major concern for these ecosystems. The arrival of new species can have different ecological effects, and sometimes leads to biological…

Emerging Technologies, Environment and Research for Sustainable Aquaculture.JPG
Traditional aquaculture and fishery systems have caused a series of ecological and environmental problems. For the purpose of sustainable development, new technologies and policies are highly needed in the field of aquaculture and fisheries. This…

14. Energy and Water Cycles in the Third Pole.jpg
Analysis of long-term, ground-based observation data on the Tibetan Plateau help to
enhance our understanding of land-atmosphere interactions and their influence on weather and
climate in this region. In this paper, the daily, monthly, and annual…
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