Browse Items (121 total)

  • Collection: 500 Science

21. Advances_in_Aquatic_Invertebrate_Stem_Cell_Research.jpg
This publication is based upon work from COST Action ’16203 MARISTEM Stem cells of marine/aquatic invertebrates: from basic research to innovative applications’, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).


Emerging Technologies, Environment and Research for Sustainable Aquaculture.JPG
Traditional aquaculture and fishery systems have caused a series of ecological and environmental problems. For the purpose of sustainable development, new technologies and policies are highly needed in the field of aquaculture and fisheries. This…

Direct Radiative Effects of Sea Salt on the Regional Scale.jpg
This thesis aims to quantify the direct radiative effects of sea salt aerosol in the atmosphere. The online coupled regional scale model system COSMO-ART is extended for this objective with respect to the sea salt aerosol. Furthermore, a new sea salt…

32. Aquatic_Organisms_Research_with_DNA_Barcodes.jpg
This issue focuses on DNA barcoding of aquatic life from temperate regions to the tropics. It includes studies discovering an unknown diversity, describing new species with integrative taxonomy, and studies on phylogenies.

It also contains…

1. Ocean_Modelling_in_Support_of_Operational_Ocean_and_Coastal_Services.jpg
: This work describes the design, implementation and validation of the Black Sea physics
analysis and forecasting system, developed by the Black Sea Physics production unit within the
Black Sea Monitoring and Forecasting Center as part of the…

4. Lipids_in_the_Ocean_2021.jpg
Lipids represent the major players in marine organisms as the major constituents of biological membranes, with key roles in biological processes and acclimation to environmental changes. New research trends aim to contribute to improving knowledge…

5. Outstanding_Topics_in_Ocean_Optics.jpg
Ocean optics is a branch of oceanography which is firmly embedded in studies of a great variety of ocean science and engineering questions. The interactive nature between radiative transfer of light and various dissolved and particulate constituents…

37. Biological_Communities_Respond_to_Multiple_HumanInduced_Aquatic_Environment_Change.jpg
Perturbations linked to the direct and indirect impacts of human activities during the Anthropocene affect the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems to varying degrees. Some perturbations involve stress to aquatic life, including soil and…

27. Aquatic_Insects.jpg
Insects have successfully inhabited all freshwater habitats on Earth and are often the most diverse and abundant species in streams and ponds. With a disproportionally high species richness compared to the area covered by freshwaters, aquatic insects…

46. Removal_of_Pharmaceuticals_from_Water_Conventional_and_Alternative_Treatments.jpg
Pharmaceuticals represent an especially worrying class of micropollutants because they are biologically active. Thus, their occurrence in aquatic environments may cause undesirable effects in living organisms and, if present in water sources for…
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