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  • Collection: 590 Animals (Zoology)

Marine Science For Cambridge International Cover.jpg
Command words are verbs used within the questions of examination papers that can give you insight in how to go about answering the question. These words can help you determine much about the expected answer for the question that is being presented.…

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Papua New Guinea is committed to the establishment of a network of marine protected areas. This report provides a first step analysis of areas of potential high conservation interest in the Papua New Guinea marine environment based on an analysis of…

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The submarine revolutionized naval warfare. Witness the birth and evolution of the submarine from the days of the Civil War to its baptism by fire in WWI to the nuclear subs of today which carry intercontinental missiles and can cruise submerged for…

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This textbook deals with the most important items in Marine Geology, including some pioneer work. The list of topics has grown greatly in the last few decades beyond the items identified by Eugen Seibold as central and now includes prominently such…

Seamanship Techniques, since its first publication in 1987, has now evolved to this fifth edition and is available in all the maritime nations of the world. The text, being changed considerably over the years, meets increased technology and safety…

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In addressing the challenges ahead for the maritime industry, we need to look through more than the one pair of research spectacles!
This is the message from the OECD, academia, industry, from NGO´s as well as from a broad range of maritime…

Introduction to Physical Oceanography cover.png
This book is written for upper-division undergraduates and new graduate students in meteorology, ocean engineering, and oceanography. Because these students have a diverse background, I have emphasized ideas and concepts more
than mathematical…

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Introduction to Oceanography is a textbook appropriate to an introductory-level university course in oceanography. The book covers the fundamental geological, chemical, physical and biological processes in the ocean, with an emphasis on the North…

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This text is disseminated via the Open Education Resource (OER) LibreTexts Project ( and like the hundreds of other texts available within this powerful platform, it is freely available for reading, printing and "consuming."…

Lecture notes in physical oceanography, Odd Henrik Saelen, Eyvind Aas.pdf
These notes were originally written in 1976 for the course "Gf 0 - Basic Course in
Geophysics". The course offered an introduction to the different fields covered by the Department of Geophysics: physics of the solid earth, meteorology, hydrology,…
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