Proceedings of the new Animal Genetics and Disease Wellcome Genome Campus meeting. The new Animal Genetics and Disease 2017 conference committee organised a Research Topic for the proceedings of this inaugural conference. The meeting brought together…
Eight stories of animals' struggles for existence, based on the author's detailed observation: The Slum Cat; Arnaux, the Chronicle of a Homing Pigeon; Badlands Billy, the Wolf That Won; The Boy and the Lynx; Little Warhorse, the History of a…
Assembling an impressive cast of contributors, this volume employs liminality as a lens through which to study the social and cultural history of animals in the modern city. It includes a variety of case studies, such as the horse-human relationship…
This volume presents selected issues in the complex and diverse science of animal husbandry. The use of computer programs provides an opportunity to improve breeding and optimize farm management. At the same time, the use of traditional breeding…
This book focuses on the animal husbandry and nutrition based on significant evaluations by the authors of the chapters. Many chapters contain general overviews on animal husbandry and nutrition from different countries. Also, the sections created…
The use of experimental animals is quite common in medical research, especially for pharmaceutical developments and molecular pathway studies. Considering the effects of therapeutic agents used in the treatment of tissues and systems, it becomes…
Thanks to animal models, our knowledge of biology and medicine has increased enormously over the past decades, leading to significant breakthroughs that have had a direct impact on the prevention, management and treatment of a wide array of…
Animal Narratology interrogates what it means to narrate, to speak—speak for, on behalf of—and to voice, or represent life beyond the human, which is in itself as different as insects, bears, and dogs are from each other, and yet more, as individual…
The externalization of animals’ genetic potential is determined by a number of external factors, of which feeding plays a major role. Animals’ nourishment is one of the most important levers to ensure the efficiency of animal production due to both…