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  • Collection: 590 Animals (Zoology)

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"Lucinda Cole’s Imperfect Creatures offers the first full-length study of the shifting, unstable, but foundational status of “vermin” as creatures and category in the early modern literary, scientific, and political imagination. In the space between…

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In addressing the challenges ahead for the maritime industry, we need to look through more than the one pair of research spectacles!
This is the message from the OECD, academia, industry, from NGO´s as well as from a broad range of maritime…

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Progress has been made in many areas of marine engineering since the first edition of this book was published. A greater emphasis is now being placed on the cost-effective operation of ships. This has meant more fuel-efficient engines, less time in…

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This book presents original research on the controversies surrounding animal sacrifice in South Asia through the lens of court cases. It focuses on the parties involved in these cases: on their discourses, motivations, and contrasting points of view.…

Seamanship Techniques, since its first publication in 1987, has now evolved to this fifth edition and is available in all the maritime nations of the world. The text, being changed considerably over the years, meets increased technology and safety…

Protection and Management of Species, Habitats, Ecosystems and Landscapes cover.jpg
Earth has entered a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, characterized by a human-inducedtemperature increase, thus placing immense impacts upon natural, atmospheric and hydrologicalprocesses, and possibly leading to a substantial…

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The complex regulations of the Endangered Species Act established by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service can be challenging for environmental professionals who must comply with them or assist clients in compliance. This is true especially for those…

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Brazilian society was shaken by turmoil in the 1920s and 1930s. The country was rocked by heated debates over race and immigration, burgeoning social movements in cities and the countryside, entrenched oligarchies clinging to power, and nature being…

Beyond Waters Archaeology and Environmental History of the Amazonian Inland-cover.jpg
This book is one of the outcomes of the project Cultivated Wilderness: Socio-economic development and environmental change in pre-Columbian Amazonia ( The project has particularly focused on the previously…

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Veterinary medicine has grown in importance in recent years as dogs have become even more important in human society. For many years, dogs have served as protectors, companions, and even workers. The close relationship between dogs and humans has…
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