Drug Use and Misuse: A Community Health Perspective provides students with an introduction to the biological, psychological, and legal aspects of drug use and misuse through the lens of community health and discusses the impact of drug use and misuse…
An amputee patient is a patient who has lost not only a part of his body but also the annexed function. The loss of an eye, an arm, or a dental element entails a loss of function reflected in a systemic adaptation by the organism to compensate for…
Thrombosis is a pathophysiological phenomenon observed in acute and chronic coronary syndrome, stroke, and peripheral artery disease. Exposure of the Tissue Factor (TF) to flowing blood is followed to its binding to other coagulation factors leading…
This Special Issue was proposed by and for engineers, physicists, medical doctors, researchers and scientists. We intend to analyze and discuss different topics on special materials for medical applications. There is great potential in the…
Cancer is a great challenge to efficient therapy due to biological diversity. Disturbed oxidative homeostasis in cancer cells certainly contributes to differential therapy response. Further, one of the hallmarks of cancer cells is adaptation which…
Transitioning is a key concept for innovative management in several domains, particularly the challenges emerging from climate change. Transitioning to Clean Water and Sanitation will, thus, contribute to an understanding of how transitions are…
Vector-Borne Diseases - Recent Developments in Epidemiology and Control utilizes the unique capabilities of open-access publishing to share exciting developments in the biology, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases spread by arthropods. From malaria…
Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne, parasitic disease with tremendous variety in presentation, biology, and epidemiology. Any book on this disease must acknowledge the nearly impossible task of providing an exhaustive account of leishmaniasis simply…
This book is the result of collaborative efforts from esteemed professors and researchers worldwide, who understand that dentistry is a dynamic field and that research on dental caries is constantly evolving. Dental Caries Perspectives - A Collection…
The global market of foods with health claims remains highly dynamic and is predicted to expand even further. Consumers have become increasingly aware of the importance of consuming healthy foods in order to have a well-balanced diet and this has…