The quality of drinking water is paramount for public health. Despite important improvements in the last decades, access to safe drinking water is not universal. The World Health Organization estimates that almost 10% of the population in the world…
Drug abuse is nothing but drug addiction. It is a chronic disease which leads the patients to reuse/return to use the drug extremely. But the immense or extreme use of drug results in changes in structure and function of brain and they lose their…
One of the top four contributors to the global burden of disease is diarrheal infections. Intestinal parasites are major causes of morbidity and mortality associated with diarrheal diseases in both the developed and developing world. Amebiasis is…
The 12th volume of International Development Policy explores the relationship between international drug policy and development goals, both current and within a historical per-spective. Contributions address the drugs and development nexus from a…
Drug Use and Misuse: A Community Health Perspective provides students with an introduction to the biological, psychological, and legal aspects of drug use and misuse through the lens of community health and discusses the impact of drug use and misuse…
The idea of combining drugs and diagnostics in oncology is not new. When the selective estrogen-receptor modulator tamoxifen was developed in the 1970s for the treatment of breast cancer, data
on estrogen-receptor status were correlated with the…
Drug–drug interactions (DDIs) cause a drug to affect other drugs, leading to reduced drug
efficacy or increased toxicity of the affected drug. Some well-known interactions are
known to be the cause of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) that are life…
Iran has one of the world’s highest rates of drug addiction, estimated to be between two and seven per cent of the entire population. This makes the questions this book asks all the more salient: what is the place of illegal substances in the…
The Course book presents the basics of drugs quality control in accordance with regulatory documents (pharmacopoeia of Europe, USA, Japan, Russia) and new data from current scientific periodicals, monographs The features of the physical, spectral and…
Inequity starts before birth and is programmed in part by nutritional exposures. If these exposures occur around the time of conception, during pregnancy, and/or in infancy or childhood (all critical periods of development) they may alter a child’s…