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  • Collection: 610 Medicine and health

Although chemical bonds in organic chemistry are mainly comprised of two electrons, spectroscopic and other evidence have confirmed that some bond may have three electron characteristics. These bonds, although not common in nature, may come into play…

This text book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. Written by a group of international experts in the field and the result of over ten years of collaboration, it allows students and readers to gain to gain a detailed understanding of scar and…

Mechanical_Properties_of_Materials COVER.jpg
In the oral environment, restorative and prosthetic aterials and appliances are exposed to chemical, thermal and mechanical challenges. The mechanical properties of a material define how it responds to the application of a physical force. The…

Plasma_Technology_for_Biomedical_Applications cover.jpg
The paper by Shahmohammadi Beni and co-workers [21] adds to the application for which the first
plasma medicine tool was originally designed [17], that is the use of a CAP to perform dental treatments in the oral cavity [22,23]. The authors have…

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The rodent incisor is a good model system to study the molecular and cellular events that are involved in enamel biomineralization. Incisors in rodents continuously erupt during their lifespan, thus allowing the study of all stages of enamel…

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Pediatric Surgery, Flowcharts and Clinical Algorithms is an updated review of some common pediatric surgical problems. The authors of the chapters have made a full review of the selected topics including the basic science facts necessary for the…

The Role of Transcranial Doppler Sonography in the Management of Pediatric Hydrocephalus cover.jpg
Negative influence of cerebral circulation with the emergence of cerebral hypoperfusion plays a significant role in the pathophysiology of pediatric hydrocephalus. Transcranial Doppler sonography is a non-invasive method for indirectly measuring…

Sleep-related symptoms are common in the majority of psychiatric diagnostic categories. The overlap of sleep and psychiatric disorders have been demonstrated in numerous studies. The understanding of sleep and child psychiatry has progressively…

At least 20 million children worldwide would benefit from Pediatric Palliative Care (PPC) annually, and eight million children would need specialized PPC services. In the USA alone, more than 42,000 children, 0–19 years, die annually; fifty-five…

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Hypertension and its resultant complications do occur in childhood and track into adulthood. It’s estimated that > 3% of all children have hypertension, with an even greater prevalence among obese children (20-47%). The etiology of hypertension is…
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