Climate change poses a serious challenge to our health and wellbeing. The increasing frequency of extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, and heatwaves, and the direct impacts of changes in temperature have direct impacts on health. At the…
It is well known that pregnancy complications, including preeclampsia, preterm birth, stillbirth, and intrauterine growth restriction affect over 12% of all pregnancies worldwide. These complications negatively impact both maternal and neonatal…
In recent years, diet- and lifestyle-related disorders have become a major health threat in Europe and worldwide. The contributions in this monograph include 2 review articles and 19 original contributions from several countries that provide new…
This volume contributes to an emerging field that could be referred to as "plural spiritual care and chaplaincy". It's innovative approach brings together contributions from a broad range of contexts and religious traditions and includes empirical…
If one asks what neuroscience is, the answer can be found in this book. Neuroscience embraces not only anatomical and physiological studies but also cell biology, computer science, and biochemistry. Equally important for neuroscientific research are…
The recent and ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has changed societies and research around the world. As such, this new book examines the latest developments in the field of neuroscience related to these changes. It includes six chapters in two sections:…
The book "Dental Anatomy" is one of the most important and basic areas of dentistry. This book is a collection of nine chapters divided into five sections as follows: Chapter 1: "Permanent Maxillary and Mandibular Incisors" Chapter 2: "The Permanent…
Cardiology and cardiovascular sciences are two rapidly growing areas in medicine, with heart diseases being the number one cause of death worldwide. The last four decades have witnessed many developments in various cardiological sciences, including…
Interferons (IFN) belong to the family of cytokines and have been described first in the late 1950s as an inhibitory factor of viral replication. Since then, the impact of interferon has been greatly expanded and its function comprises a role not…
The COVID-19 pandemic had numerous negative effects on many aspects of life. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the psychosocial, educational, and economic impacts of the pandemic worldwide. It includes thirty-two chapters that highlight…