Appropriate nutrition is a cornerstone of preventive gerontology. This Special Issue of Nutrients provides new insights on nutritional assessment and potential modifications of nutritional behaviours and supplements to prevent age-associated…
The scope of this reprint, entitled “Emerging Protein Sources for Food Production and Human Nutrition”, encompasses the latest advancements in analytics and the application of new methods in the processing of proteins, both plant and animal, as well…
vThis book was devised on the basis of a summer school on care in health-care held in Freiburg, Germany, in 2015. The editors of this volume who were also the organisers of this summer school wish to thank the German Federal Ministry of Education and…
This open access book establishes a dialog among the medical and intelligent system domains for igniting transition toward a sustainable and cost-effective healthcare. The Person-Centered Care (PCC) positions a person in the center of a healthcare…
Health Inequality - A Comprehensive Exploration is an insightful and significant work delving into the complex realm of health disparities and their multifaceted impact on society. This book skillfully bridges the gap between theoretical…
Ketimpangan Kesehatan - Eksplorasi Komprehensif adalah karya yang mendalam dan signifikan yang menyelidiki ranah kompleks kesenjangan kesehatan dan dampaknya yang beragam pada masyarakat. Buku ini dengan terampil menjembatani kesenjangan antara…
This first open access European CAR-T Handbook, co-promoted by the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) and the European Hematology Association (EHA), covers several aspects of CAR-T cell treatments, including the underlying…
This open access book turns the research attention of social policy scholars and long-term care researchers from comparative descriptions of care systems, focusing mostly on expenditures and volumes of long-term care services, to outcomes, and in…
This open access book presents an ethical approach to utilizing personal medical data. It features essays that combine academic argument with practical application of ethical principles. The contributors are experts in ethics and law. They address…
The oral cavity is the port of entry to the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, characterized by the juxtaposition of soft and hard tissues. It is continuously subject to challenges by the external environment, such as foreign antigens or…