Exercise necessitates increased energy production to match the elevated demand of physical activity, the magnitude of which varies significantly by activity, sport, and/or athletic position. While long term nutritional habitus is known to impact…
The development and treatment of cancer presents a complex interaction between tumor and host. Provision of nutrients not only enables the maintenance of nutritional status, but also provides substrates and signals for immunity, tumor metabolism and…
Blindness and visual impairment impact significantly on an individual’s physical and mental well-being. Loss of vision is a global health problem, with approximately 250 million of the world’s population currently living with vision loss, of which 36…
Mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body) is a Latin phrase taken from Giovenale (Satire, X, 356) that remains relevant and is supported by today’s data regarding genetics and nutrition, and their contribution to mental health. The…
This edited volume, “Nutrition and HIV/AIDS - Implication for Treatment, Prevention and Cure”, is a collection of reviewed and relevant research chapters, offering a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field. The book comprises…
This book contains the Nutrients Special Issue "Nutrition and Human Oral Health" edited by Dr. Kirstin Vach and Prof. Dr. Johan Woelber. It includes 18 wonderful publications that provide an outline of current scientific work in the field of…
The prevalence rates of risk factors for premature mortality and early non-communicable diseases are growing due to the increasing prevalence of poor nutrition habits, increasing levels of stress, and sedentary lifestyles. The life course…
An integral part of homeostasis includes daily rhythms in physiology, behavior, and metabolism. The circadian timing system enables organisms to adapt their biological functions to the cyclic nature of the Earth. Sleep is a fundamental physiological…
During the menopausal transition and postmenopausal periods, women are affected by a variety of symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Non-specific somatic symptoms are also common, including…
Pregnancy is a viewed as a window to future health. With the birth of the developmental origins of human adult disease hypothesis, research and clinical practice has turned its attention to the influence of maternal factors such as health and…