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  • Collection: 610 Medicine and health

Almost all fields of dentistry are closely related to newly developed materials, and all clinical improvements often follow, or, in any case, go hand in hand with the creation and the development of innovative and higher performing materials,…

In the computer sciences, virtual reality (VR) is usually described as a set of fancy technologies. However, in medicine and neuroscience, VR is instead defined as an advanced form of human–computer interface that allows the user to interact with and…

The Special Issue reprint covers a wide range of applications of 3D-printing in dentistry. Five out of eleven research papers deal with applications of 3D printing in orthodontics, one study presents a 3D-printed fitting system for the FFP2 that were…

The researchers involved in this reprint will continue their studies to improve the existent dental biomaterials in order to achieve optimal dental treatment with biocompatible, bioactive, and stable properties. As the Guest Editors, we sincerely…

Social media has the potential to provide rapid insights into unfolding public health emergencies such as infectious disease outbreaks. They can also be drawn upon for rapid, survey-based insights into various health topics. Social media has also…

Monitoring and Surveillance of Veterinary Antimicrobial Use and Antibiotic Resistance in Animals.jpg
Antimicrobial resistance is a global One Health topic that affects us all, whether we are working in human or veterinary medicine. Although antibiotic use in farm animals is decreasing in many countries, other nations are still using these essential…

The objective of this reprint is to present the main evidence-based data on new developments and knowledge in diagnostic and treatment technologies in the orofacial field used in both children and adults. The published content has been met with great…

Biomaterials—the materials used for the manufacturing of medical devices— are part of everyday life. Each one of us has likely had the experience of visting a dentist’s office, where a number of biomaterials are used temporarily or permanently in the…

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Bacterial biofilms are colonies of bacterial cells embedded in their self-produced matrix composed of polysaccharides, DNA, and proteins. They protect bacterial cells against antibiotics, antibacterial agents, soaps and detergents, and shear stress.…

This book reviews the contributions of Earth Observation (EO) to public health practices. It examines how EO is being used to understand, track, predict, and manage infectious and chronic diseases, and it provides discussion on the current challenges…
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