Over the last decades, interest in forensic toxicology has continually increased. Consequently, the discipline assumed a leading role, becoming one of the reference sciences for elucidating events of judicial importance. The need to reconcile…
According to the American Cancer Society, skin cancer is the most common cancer of all cancer types. Although melanoma represents only about 1% of all skin cancers, this tumour is still responsible for most skin cancer deaths and its incidence is…
Occupational health and safety (OHS) is an important focus of governments and organizations throughout the world because there are over 2.78 million fatal and 374 million nonfatal work-related injuries and illnesses experienced by employees every…
Natural products hold a prominent position in the discovery and development of many drugs used nowadays, with diverse indications for human and animal health. Especially, plants have played a leading role as source of specialized metabolites with…
Smoking can lead to a variety of ongoing complications in the body, as well as long-term effects on body systems. While smoking can increase the risk of a variety of problems over several years, some of the bodily effects are immediate. This book…
Physical activity and nutrition are two of the most important modifiable lifestyle factors affecting health status, both in healthy people and in special populations with metabolic disorders and non-communicable diseases (e.g., obesity and type 2…
Air quality is personal. Its management is highly so. Asthmatic or air-pollutant-sensitive individuals depend on accurate air quality forecasts to help manage their daily activities. However, the adverse effects of poor air quality on public health…
This open access book focuses on practical clinical problems that are frequently encountered in stroke rehabilitation. Consequences of diseases, e.g. impairments and activity limitations, are addressed in rehabilitation with the overall goal to…
This Open Access volume provides readers with a collection of open access protocols and extensive recommendations for preclinical renal MRI used in translational research. The chapters in this book are interdisciplinary and bridge the gap between…