There has been significant progress in the field of interventional cardiology, from the development of newer devices to newer applications of technology, resulting in improved cardiovascular outcomes. The goal of this Special Issue is to update…
This open access volume focuses on the development of a P5 eHealth, or better, a methodological resource for developing the health technologies of the future, based on patients’ personal characteristics and needs as the fundamental guidelines for…
The authors will present a comprehensive account of the neurological aspects of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The aim is to provide a practical clinical book which will serve as a guide for clinicians from all specialties involved in the management of…
Sight is the most important sense in higher mammals. The retina is the first step in visual processing and the window to the brain. It is not surprising that problems that arise with the retina lead to moderate to severe vision problems. Here we…
Although chemical bonds in organic chemistry are mainly comprised of two electrons, spectroscopic and other evidence have confirmed that some bond may have three electron characteristics. These bonds, although not common in nature, may come into play…
This open access book on infodemic management reviews the current discussions about this evolving area of public health from a variety of perspectives. Infodemic management is an evidence-based practice underpinned by the science of infodemiology…
Thrombotic diseases are some of the leading causes of death in the world. Anticoagulation is a mainstay approach for the prophylaxis and treatment of thrombotic diseases. This book includes six chapters regarding the mechanisms of anticoagulation and…
This reprint focuses on the geometrical and spectroscopic features as well as potential
applications of halogen, chalcogen, pnictogen, tetrel, and triel bonds in chemical
reactions, crystal engineering, molecular recognition, and biological…
This edited volume contains 18 articles published in Sustainability from late 2018 to early
2021. During that time, the world faced the fatal and widespread health crisis, COVID-19,
which had threatened the social and public health systems at every…
The topics covered in this Special Issue range from breastfeeding and early-life nutrition
to effects on microbiota, infection, allergy, asthma, and the mechanisms of
immunomodulation via (the early introduction of) nutrition on infections and…