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  • Collection: 630 Agriculture

This open access book is an update of genome editing techniques applied to a range of plants. We discuss the latest techniques and applications to cereals, roots and tubers, oilseed crops, fruit and forest trees, vegetables, legumes and algae…

This book is designed to introduce the fundamentals of systematics in a simple, concise and balanced manner. The book aims to equip the students with the basics of plant taxonomy and at the same time also update them with the most recent advances in…

The livestock production sector is facing challenges to find alternative feed resources and nutritional strategies to mitigate enteric methane (CH4) emissions from ruminants. Recently, marine macroalgae have emerged as potential anti-methanogenic…

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This book explores the rapidly changing seaweed industry in Indonesia, the largest global producer of carrageenan-bearing seaweeds.

Seaweed production in Indonesia has grown exponentially over the last twenty years, and rural communities across…

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Kontribusi peternakan dalam perekonomian
Indonesia tidaklah besar, hanya Rp 260 T (1,68%) dari total
PDB Indonesia Rp 15.434 T (Ditjen PKH, 2021). Akan
tetapi, peternakan memberi kontribusi sangat besar dalam
penyediaan pangan sumber protein…


“Wacana Agribisnis Pertanian dan Peternakan” ini. Buku ini
merupakan kompilasi 22 karya tulis terpilih tentang agribisnis pertanian dan peternakan yang terbit di berbagai
media massa sejak 2014 sampai 2021. Karya-karya tulis ini

The Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget is considered responsible for coining the term transdisciplinarity’ in the 1970s, defining it as a higher stage after the interdisciplinary relations. To date, transdisciplinarity research is a growing field in…

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Groundwater beneath cities is important. Water utilities and private abstractors use is it as a secure source of water-supply and municipal authorities have to cope with it when planning sanitation and using underground space for building and…

Anemonefishes, one of the most popular and recognizable of fishes in the world, are much more than film characters; they are also emerging model organisms for studying the biology, ecology, and evolution of coral reef fishes. They are a group of 28…

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This Open Access book explores the multifaceted nature of agricultural and rural development in Asia and examines the extent to which the Asian experience is being replicated in contemporary Africa. This volume compiles the works of top scholars who…
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