“Wacana Agribisnis Pertanian dan Peternakan” ini. Buku ini
merupakan kompilasi 22 karya tulis terpilih tentang agribisnis pertanian dan peternakan yang terbit di berbagai
media massa sejak 2014 sampai 2021. Karya-karya tulis ini
Kontribusi peternakan dalam perekonomian
Indonesia tidaklah besar, hanya Rp 260 T (1,68%) dari total
PDB Indonesia Rp 15.434 T (Ditjen PKH, 2021). Akan
tetapi, peternakan memberi kontribusi sangat besar dalam
penyediaan pangan sumber protein…
The livestock production sector is facing challenges to find alternative feed resources and nutritional strategies to mitigate enteric methane (CH4) emissions from ruminants. Recently, marine macroalgae have emerged as potential anti-methanogenic…
This book is designed to introduce the fundamentals of systematics in a simple, concise and balanced manner. The book aims to equip the students with the basics of plant taxonomy and at the same time also update them with the most recent advances in…
This open access book is an update of genome editing techniques applied to a range of plants. We discuss the latest techniques and applications to cereals, roots and tubers, oilseed crops, fruit and forest trees, vegetables, legumes and algae…
This open access book shares impact stories – testimonies from various value chain actors who have been part of the Tropical Legumes (TL) projects, over the past twelve years. The Tropical Legumes projects led by ICRISAT in three parts (TLI, TLII and…
Scientists have long researched to understand the environment and man’s place in it. The search for this knowledge grows in importance as rapid increases in
population and economic development intensify humans’ stresses on ecosystems.…
The go-to textbook “Marine Biology” by Levinton1 leaves little to ask for, except for aordability (over €150,-, even as ebook!). This is in sharp contrast to Kaiser et al.’s “Marine Ecology”,2 whose nonchalant and scientically sloppy writing does…
Veterinarians are valued and respected professional figures. Veterinary research transcends species boundaries and includes the study of both spontaneously occurring and experimentally induced models of both human and animal diseases. The COVID-19…