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  • Collection: 004 Data Processing & Computer Science

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Buku akses terbuka ini memamerkan praktik inovatif metode Big Earth Data melalui kumpulan studi kasus global yang komprehensif untuk memantau dan mengevaluasi indikator untuk tujuh SDG, yaitu, nol kelaparan (SDG 2), air bersih dan sanitasi (SDG 6),…

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Volume ini menyajikan prosiding konferensi bidt "Vectors of Data Disclosure" yang diselenggarakan di Munich 2022. Kontribusi tersebut memberikan wawasan interdisipliner dan komparatif mengenai berbagai faktor keputusan pengungkapan data –…

privacy; data protection; data mining; predictive analytics

Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Supercomputing

This open access book presents the first comprehensive overview of general methods in Automated Machine Learning (AutoML), collects descriptions of existing systems based on these methods, and discusses the first series of international challenges of…

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This open access book provides information how to choose and collect the appropriate metrics for a software project in an organization. There are several kinds of metrics, based on the analysis of source code and developed for different programming…

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Sejak kemunculannya, big data telah membawa kita pada bentuk-bentuk energi, teknologi, dan cara-cara pengorganisasian baru yang akan menghasilkan nilai-nilai yang lebih besar melalui persilangan, integrasi, keterbukaan, dan pembagian data. Meskipun…

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This open access book provides an overview of the recent advances in representation learning theory, algorithms and applications for natural language processing (NLP). It is divided into three parts. Part I presents the representation learning…

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This original and interdisciplinary volume explores the contemporary semiotic dimensions of the face from both scientific and sociocultural perspectives, putting forward several traditions, aspects, and signs of the human utopia of creating a hybrid…

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This open access book offers a comprehensive and thorough introduction to almost all aspects of metalearning and automated machine learning (AutoML), covering the basic concepts and architecture, evaluation, datasets, hyperparameter optimization,…
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