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  • Collection: 340 Law

Sociology of Law as the Science of Norms.jpg
This book proposes the study of norms as a method of explaining human choice and behaviour by introducing a new scientific perspective.

The science of norms may here be broadly understood as a social science which includes elements from both the…

This open access book explores the role of the ILO (International Labour Organization) in building global social governance from multiple and mutually complementary perspectives. It explores the impact of this UN´s oldest agency, founded in 1919, on…

White-Collar Crime in the Shadow Economy Lack of Detection, Investigation and Conviction Compared to Social Security Fraud.jpg
This book examines the law, national and/or international, that arbitral tribunals apply on the merits to settle disputes between foreign investors and host states. In light of the freedom that the disputing parties and the arbitrators have when…

Genetic Surveillance and Crime Control.jpg
Genetic Surveillance and Crime Control presents a new empirical and conceptual framework for understanding trends of genetic surveillance in different countries in Europe and in other jurisdictions around the world.

The use of DNA or genome for…

The Nordic states were among the first in the world to enact general gender equality and anti-discrimination laws with low threshold enforcement mechanisms. Today, the Nordic countries top the World Economic Forum’s Gender Gap Index –but they have…


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Buku ini menawarkan perspektif baru tentang pertemuan antara hukum hubungan luar negeri dan hukum internasional publik. Pertemuan ini dapat terjadi dalam zona interaksi hibrida yang membutuhkan jembatan dan batas. Buku yang tepat waktu dengan…

This volume presents the proceedings of the bidt "Vectors of Data Disclosure" conference held in Munich 2022. The contributions give interdisciplinary and comparative insights into various factors of data disclosure decisions – combining perspectives…


Civil Procedure Pleading.jpg
This chapter covers the Civil Procedure topic of Pleading: The Plaintiff‘s Complaint. The chapter takes approximately four class periods to cover in detail. The student is exposed to cases, presented with questions that are designed to both guide…

This open access book pays homage to Reza Banakar, who passed away in August 2020, exploring the many different areas of socio-legal research that he worked on and influenced. It begins with a summary of his career and explains how he sparked a…

Terrorism, Criminal Law and Politics.jpg
Recent atrocities have ensured that terrorism and how to deal with terrorists legally and politically has been the subject of much discussion and debate on the international stage. This book presents a study of changes in the legal treatment of those…
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