This study analyses legal barriers to data sharing in the context of the Open Research Data Pilot, which the European Commission is running within its research framework programme Horizon2020. In the first part of the study, data protection issues…
This study analyses legal barriers to data sharing in the context of the Open Research Data Pilot, which the European Commission is running within its research framework programme Horizon2020. In the first part of the study, data protection issues…
Buku ini mengkaji berbagai kebijakan, termasuk aspek hukum dan komersial dari fenomena Open Source. Di sini, 'Open Source' diadopsi sebagai singkatan yang mudah dipahami untuk kumpulan pengguna dan komunitas yang beragam, yang perbedaannya bisa sama…
This book examines various policies, including legal and commercial aspects of the Open Source phenomenon. Here, 'Open Source' is used as shorthand for a diverse set of users and communities, whose differences can be as great as their similarities.…
This book dives into the legal and economic rationale of patent exhaustion, studying its evolution from the beginning in Germany, UK and USA, to Japan and 10 developing countries. The author also analyses exhaustion under TRIPS, GATT, GATS and major…
This book analyses the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) from the point of view of argumentative tools used by the Court to persuade the audience – States, applicants and public opinion – of the correctness of its rulings. The…
Buku akses terbuka ini menyajikan geografi hukum hak milik atas tanah melalui sudut pandang lanskap dan keadilan spasial kritis. Buku ini berupaya menegaskan kembali pentingnya lanskap dan tempat dalam properti sebagai alternatif terhadap konsep…
This open access book presents a legal geography of property rights in land through the lenses of landscape and critical spatial justice. It seeks to reassert the importance of landscape and place in property as an alternative to abstract concepts of…
This book explores the contours of the code of silence and provides policy recommendations geared toward creating an environment less conducive for police misconduct. It responds to the recent calls for police reform, in the wake of the perceived…
This open access book brings together insights into Pacific policing, conceptualising policing broadly as order maintenance involving the actions of multiple local, regional and international actors with sometimes competing and conflicting agendas. A…