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Hukum Hak Asasi Manusia Disabilitas merupakan bidang yang sedang berkembang. Hukum ini merupakan gabungan dari hukum hak asasi manusia, studi disabilitas, dan hukum hak disabilitas. Hukum ini memandang hak dengan cara yang baru, membuka jalur baru…

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Disability Human Rights Law is an emerging field. It is an amalgamation of human rights law, disability studies, and disability rights law. It views rights in a novel way, opening a new line of scholarly inquiry. It sees rights as they apply to the…

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Areas of limited statehood, in which the territorial State lacks effective control, either completely or in part, challenge International Humanitarian Law in various ways. This volume explores if and how the law adapts to these challenges on the…

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Offering a fresh perspective on "nudging", this book uses legal paternalism to explore how legal systems may promote good policies without ignoring personal autonomy.

It suggests that the dilemma between inefficient opt-in rules and autonomy…

The popular 1998 reformasi movement that brought down President Suharto’s regime demanded an end to illegal practices by state officials, from human rights abuse to nepotistic investments. Yet today, such practices have proven more resistant to…

Banet, Catherine
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The Law of the Seabed offers a timely analysis of the most pressing legal questions raised by the use and protection of natural resources on and underneath the world’s…

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The Law of the Seabed offers a timely analysis of the most pressing legal questions raised by the use and protection of natural resources on and underneath the world’s seabeds. Readership: University students, lecturers, academics/researchers,…

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. The Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda is rooted in international law – notably international humanitarian law, human rights and international criminal law. UNSCR 1325 specifically calls upon…

Proportionality is a ubiquitous concept in law. While mostly associated with fundamental rights review, it also plays an important role in private law. In this context, proportionality requirements can be the result of both traditional private law…

This book provides a general theory of democratic inclusion for the present world. It presents an original contribution to our understanding of the democratic ideal by explaining how democratic inclusion can apply to individuals in a variety of…
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