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  • Collection: 340 Law

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Regulating Coastal Zones addresses the knowledge gap concerning the legal and regulatory challenges of managing land in coastal zones across a broad range of political and socio-economic contexts.

In recent years, coastal zone management has…

Women and the UN; A New History of Women’s International Human Rights cover.jpg
This book provides a critical history of influential women in the United Nations and seeks to inspire empowerment with role models from bygone eras.

The women whose voices this book presents helped shape UN conventions, declarations, and policies…

This book focuses on the way in which legal historians and legal scientists used the past to legitimize, challenge, explain and familiarize the socialist legal orders, which were backed by dictatorial governments.

The volume studies legal…

This book explores how predictive policing transforms police work. Police departments around the world have started to use data-driven applications to produce crime forecasts and intervene into the future through targeted prevention measures. Based…

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Buku ini mengkaji hukum, nasional dan/atau internasional, yang diterapkan oleh majelis arbitrase atas dasar substansi untuk menyelesaikan sengketa antara investor asing dan negara tuan rumah. Mengingat kebebasan yang dimiliki oleh pihak yang…

Moral uncertainty surrounding the use of armed drones has been a persistent problem for more than two decades. In response, Moralities of Drone Violence aims to provide greater clarity by exploring and ordering a variety of ways in which violent…


How did the drastic experiences of the turbulent twentieth century affect the works of a legal historian? What kind of an impact did they have on the ideas of justice and rule of law prominent in legal historiography? Ville Erkkilä analyses the way…

This open access book critically explores what child protection policy and professional practice would mean if practice was grounded in human rights standards. This book inspires a new direction in child protection research – one that critically…

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This open access book examines the ways that consent operates in contemporary culture, suggesting it is a useful starting point to respectful relationships. This work, however, seeks to delve deeper, into the more complicated aspects of sexual…

Buku akses terbuka ini menyajikan studi perbandingan pertama tentang sumber hukum hukum administrasi. Setiap tatanan hukum modern memerlukan seperangkat aturan umum untuk menerapkan dan menegakkan hukum administrasi; aturan tersebut memberlakukan…
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