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Advanced macroeconomics.jpg
Macroeconomic policy is one of the most important policy domains, and the tools of macroeconomics are among the most valuable for policy makers. Yet there has been, up to now, a wide gulf between the level at which macroeconomics is taught at the…

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The continuous development of dental materials enables dentists and dental technicians to
choose from a wide variety. The introduction of new aesthetic materials, digital devices, processing
software, and manufacturing and prototyping tools have…

Robotika bergerak merupakan bidang yang menantang dengan potensi yang besar. Bidang ini mencakup berbagai disiplin ilmu termasuk teknik elektro, teknik mesin, ilmu komputer, ilmu kognitif, dan ilmu sosial. Bidang ini penting untuk desain robot…

obotika bergerak merupakan bidang yang menantang dengan potensi yang besar. Bidang ini mencakup berbagai disiplin ilmu termasuk teknik elektro, teknik mesin, ilmu komputer, ilmu kognitif, dan ilmu sosial. Bidang ini penting untuk desain robot…

Advanced Problems in Mathematics.jpg
"This new and expanded edition is intended to help candidates prepare for entrance examinations in mathematics and scientific subjects, including STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper). STEP is an examination used by Cambridge Colleges for conditional…

Kemajuan dalam modalitas pencitraan medis telah mengakibatkan peningkatan kepentingan dan permintaan radiologi pediatrik. Cetak ulang ini menampilkan berbagai contoh penelitian lanjutan dalam radiologi pediatrik dan kedokteran nuklir. Ini termasuk…

Advancements in medical imaging modalities have resulted in increasing the importance and demand of pediatric radiology. This reprint showcases various examples of advanced research in pediatric radiology and nuclear medicine. These include the use…

Advanced Research on Animal Venoms in China.jpg
Recently, Chinese researchers have made significant progress in animal venom research in comprehending the diversity and complexity of these molecules and their potential applications in medicine, biotechnology, and as research tools. Advancements in…

Advanced Studies in the 21st Century Animal Nutrition.jpg
The world’s population is growing rapidly and consequently, there is an increasing demand for high-quality and safe food. At the same time, agricultural areas are diminishing due to industrialization, among other factors. Therefore, the efficiency of…
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