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The Youth Guide to the Ocean Cover.jpeg
The Youth and United Nations Global Alliance (YUNGA) would like to thank all the authors, contributor graphics designers and other individuals and institutions who have supported the development of this
Guide. All have found the extra time in their…

CMAS Scientific Underwater Marine Biology.jpeg
Have you ever seen the ocean? Have you ever been in the ocean? Have you ever gone
snorkelling or scuba diving and gotten a really good look at what exists beneath the
ocean's surface? It's just amazing! The ocean is teeming with life.
When most…

Our Living Oceans Habitat.jpeg
This publication, Our Living Oceans: Habitat.
Status of the Habitat of U.S. Living Marine Resources, is the first comprehensive edition of the Our Living Oceans habitat report to be released since the inaugural policymakers’ summary report was…

Marine Biology Function Biodiversity Ecology Cover.jpeg
This text is designed for a one-semester course at the sophomore to senior level. Some students will have already taken
a college-level biology course with coverage of organismal diversity, and they will benefit greatly. A small number may

Introduction to Marine Biology.jpg
Marine biology is a younger science than terrestrial biology as early scientists were
limited in their study of aquatic organisms by lack of technology to observe and sample them. The Greek philosopher Aristotle was one of the firsts to design a…

Pollution in the ocean.jpg
Pollution is the release of undesirable subtances into the environment. Many human activities—industrial production, burning of fossil fuels, agriculture, and product use, among others—generate pollutants that can find their way into the ocean. At…

Kemajuan dalam modalitas pencitraan medis telah mengakibatkan peningkatan kepentingan dan permintaan radiologi pediatrik. Cetak ulang ini menampilkan berbagai contoh penelitian lanjutan dalam radiologi pediatrik dan kedokteran nuklir. Ini termasuk…

Buku ini ditujukan bagi pembaca teknis yang bekerja dengan data dalam jumlah besar. Ditulis oleh para ahli dalam manajemen sistem informasi, buku ini mencakup beberapa bab tentang pengembangan perangkat lunak, implementasi cloud, jaringan, dan…

Information Systems.jpg
Buku ini membahas sistem pemrosesan informasi cerdas yang terkait dengan pemrosesan bahasa alami, penambangan teks, pemrosesan informasi web, serta teknologi robot perawat dan perawatan. Buku ini memperkenalkan tren terbaru dan hasil penelitian…

Lecture notes in physical oceanography, Odd Henrik Saelen, Eyvind Aas.pdf
These notes were originally written in 1976 for the course "Gf 0 - Basic Course in
Geophysics". The course offered an introduction to the different fields covered by the Department of Geophysics: physics of the solid earth, meteorology, hydrology,…
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