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  • Tags: Marine Science

Introduction of Marine Engineering.jpg
Progress has been made in many areas of marine engineering since the first edition of this book was published. A greater emphasis is now being placed on the cost-effective operation of ships. This has meant more fuel-efficient engines, less time in…

15. Advances_in_Applied_Marine_Sciences_and_Engineering.jpg
In recent years, applied marine sciences and engineering has attracted worldwide attention, which includes basic theoretical research and applied research on marine hydrology, meteorology, physics and geology. Besides, new viewpoints, new…

14. The_Effect_of_Ocean_Acidification_on_Skeletal_Structures.jpg
The increasing partial pressure of atmospheric CO2 (pCO2) is reducing surface ocean pH, a process known as ocean acidification (OA) This results in a reduced saturation of the seawater with respect to the CaCO3 polymorphs aragonite, high-Mg calcite,…
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