COVID-19. Clinical Guidance Standards - Dental Medicine

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COVID-19. Clinical Guidance Standards - Dental Medicine


Dental Medicine, Dentistry Guidelines,


In December 2019, the world witnessed the emergence of a zoonosis caused by a new type of Corona virus, SARS CoV 2. This infection quickly evolved into a pandemic spread with heavy consequences at all levels of civilization. SARS CoV 2 and Covid 19 persist at present with no predictions for their elimination, with great uncertainty about their evolution and extent, both in terms of health consequences and economic impact. In this way, it is important to develop strategies that enable the functioning of productive structures, combating the economic and social freeze as absolutely disastrous consequences in the pandemic context. Dental Medicine, by its nature, namely the production of aerosols, was classified as an activity at the top of the risk of acquisition/dissemination of the disease by the professionals who perform it. Many countries have suspended the practice of dentistry as a preventive measure. It is therefore important, now and in the perspective of return, to create mechanisms that allow professional practice in safety. However, there is an extensive gap on the very definition of safety in the professional practice in Dentistry in the context of SARS CoV 2 /Covid 19. The objective of these Clinical Guidelines (NOC) was to systematically compile the existing evidence on this subject and check the greatest possible robustness to the clinical decision in the pre-per and post-consultation. now and in the perspective of return, create mechanisms that allow professional practice in safety. However, there is an extensive gap on the very definition of safety in the professional practice in Dentistry in the context of SARS CoV 2 /Covid 19. The objective of these Clinical Guidelines (NOC) was to systematically compile the existing evidence on this subject and check the greatest possible robustness to the clinical decision in the pre-per and post-consultation. now and in the perspective of return, create mechanisms that allow professional practice in safety. However, there is an extensive gap on the very definition of safety in the professional practice in Dentistry in the context of SARS CoV 2 /Covid 19. The objective of these Clinical Guidelines (NOC) was to systematically compile the existing evidence on this subject and check the greatest possible robustness to the clinical decision in the pre-per and post-consultation.


Fernando Guerra
António Duarte Mata
Alexandra Vinagre



Coimbra University Press




Dwi prihastuti









DOI : 10.14195/978-989-26-1986-6

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