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  • Collection: 610 Medicine and health

This Special Issue collects research on and applications of the relationship between food, nutrition, and databases. The development of databases of nutrients, bioactive compounds, and metabolites are key tools for human health and public nutrition…

This Special Issue includes original research and reviews of the literature focusing on food labels, which are a tool to promote public health that, at the same time, may represent a marketing tool and may influence consumers’ perception of food…

This new MDPI book should be of interest to a wide range of readers. Students of a variety of faculties, employees of the food industry, producers of functional food, farmers, and nutritionists will certainly be interested. The book provides new…

Nowadays, diet-related non-communicable diseases and their complications are one of the most important public health problems worldwide. Food supplements and functional foods are considered food products which contribute to the achievement of optimal…

The Special Issue, entitled “Forest, Food and Nutrition”, is focused on understanding of the intersection and linking existing between forests, food, and nutrition. Forest ecosystems are an important biodiversity environment resource for many…

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Edisi kedua ini, dalam Akses Terbuka, bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran umum yang komprehensif dan praktis tentang pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk penilaian dan pengelolaan orang dewasa yang lebih tua dengan atau berisiko mengalami fraktur…

This second edition, in Open Access, aims to provide a comprehensive and practical overview of the knowledge required for the assessment and management of the older adult with or at risk of fragility fracture, with additional focus on those who are…

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This open access book aims to provide a comprehensive but practical overview of the knowledge required for the assessment and management of the older adult with or at risk of fragility fracture. It considers this from the perspectives of all of the…

Cancer is a great challenge to efficient therapy due to biological diversity. Disturbed oxidative homeostasis in cancer cells certainly contributes to differential therapy response. Further, one of the hallmarks of cancer cells is adaptation which…

This open access book maps a crucial but neglected chapter in the history of psychiatry: how was melancholia transformed in the nineteenth century from traditional melancholy madness into a modern biomedical mood disorder, paving the way for the…
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