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  • Collection: 610 Medicine and health

COVID19_Impact cov.jpg
This compendium of approaches to decrease the impact of COVID-19 pandemic is a
“must-read” to understand the importance of COVID-19 mitigation efforts and preventive
or safety practices. Empirical evidence related to handwashing behavior, mask…

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Perioperative care practices worldwide are in the midst of a seeing change with the
implementation of multidisciplinary processes that improve surgical outcomes through
(1) better patient education, engagement, and participation; (2) enhanced…

Mitochondrial_Dysfunction_in_Aging cov.jpg
This collection of review articles authored by international experts pulls together current
information about the role of mitochondria in aging and diseases of aging. Mitochondria
are vitally important cellular organelles and undergo their own…

This book focuses on the process of cognitive ageing, considering the increase in
cognitive impairment associated with the aging of the population and the related care
Special attention is given to cognitive health changes linked to the…

DrugDrug_Interactions cov.jpg
Drug–drug interactions (DDIs) cause a drug to affect other drugs, leading to reduced drug efficacy or increased toxicity of the affected drug. Some well-known interactions are known to be the cause of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) that are life…

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Cultural competence has been acknowledged as an important set of skills and mindset for working effectively with diverse patients and for reducing social disparities in healthcare. In this Special Issue cultural competence was approached as an…

This edited volume contains 18 articles published in Sustainability from late 2018 to early 2021. During that time, the world faced the fatal and widespread health crisis, COVID-19, which had threatened the social and public health systems at every…

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The worldwide imposed lockdowns forced schools and universities to digitise conventional teaching in a very short time and to convert teaching and learning formats partially or completely to Distance Learning. The changes in everyday teaching brought…

The discovery of new drugs is one of pharmaceutical research's most exciting and challenging tasks. Unfortunately, the conventional drug discovery procedure is chronophagous and seldom successful; furthermore, new drugs are needed to address our…
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