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  • Tags: Marine Drugs

24. Biomedical_and_Pharmacological_Applications_of_Marine_Collagen.jpg
Biomimetic polymers and materials have been widely used in a variety of biomedical and pharmacological applications. Particularly, collagen-based biomaterials have been extensively applied in various biomedical fields, such as scaffolds in tissue…

13. Advances_in_Oligosaccharides_and_Polysaccharide_Modifications_in_Marine_Bioresources.jpg
Due to global climate change, environmental issues have become more conscious. Seaweeds play a major role in blue carbon, which fixes carbon to the ocean by taking in carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and producing polysaccharides. In addition to…

Marine Drugs is very pleased to host a Special Issue in honour of Prof. Dr. Peter Proksch, who served as Editor in Chief for Marine Drugs from 2005 to 2009, for his excellent research contribution.

Marine resources have considerable potential to develop high-value materials for applications in different fields, namely pharmaceutical, environmental, and biomedical. Despite that, the lack of solubility of marine-derived polymers in water and common…

Marine Carotenoids.jpg
Carotenoids represent a large group of isoprenoid structures with many different structural
characteristics and biological activities. They are the most important pigments of those occurring
in nature and are responsible for the various colors of…
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