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  • Tags: Molecular biology

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This open-access textbook is an excellent introduction to systems biology, which has developed rapidly in recent years. It discusses the processes in living organisms in an integrated way, enabling the reader to understand the fundamental principles…

09. Marine Molecular Biology An Emerging Field of Biological Sciences Author Narsinh L. Thakura, Roopesh Jainb, Filipe Natalio.pdf
An appreciation of the potential applications of molecular biology is of growing
importance in many areas of life sciences, including marine biology. During the past two decades, the development of sophisticated molecular technologies and…

Describes technological methods and tools for objective and quantitative assessment of QoL Appraises technology-enabled methods for incorporating QoL measurements in medicine Highlights the success factors for adoption and scaling of…

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This open access textbook provides the background needed to correctly use, interpret and understand statistics and statistical data in diverse settings. Part I makes key concepts in statistics readily clear. Parts I and II give an overview of the…

This Special Issue has been introduced with the aim of offering the possibility to publish new research results from old and new pioneers in the field of bladder cancer basic research. While editing this Special Issue we learned that an enormous…

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Biophysical chemistry is one of the most interesting interdisciplinary research fields. Some of its different subjects have been intensively studied for decades. Now the field attracts not only scientists from chemistry, physics, and biology…

This Special Issue of Bioengineering explores topics in Pediatric Neuro-Oncology ranging from preclinical modeling to translational research and neurocognitive outcomes. The topics are as below. 1. Radiotherapy advances in pediatric brain tumors; 2.…
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