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  • Tags: Plastic and reconstructive surgery

COVER International Perforator Flap.jpg
This publication contains a set of collected abstracts submitted on the occasion of the Perforator Flap Dissection Course organized by the Faculty of Medicine at Masaryk University.

30. Cover Designing Strategies for Cleft ....jpg
In Designing Strategies for Cleft Lip and Palate Care it was aimed to link the epidemiology from different areas in the world with the interspecialty surgical care and the future genetic research projects. The objective is to concisely discuss the…

27. Cover Childhood Abuse, ....jpg
Childhood Abuse, Body Shame, and Addictive Plastic Surgery explores the psychopathology that plastic surgeons can encounter when seemingly excellent surgical candidates develop body dysmorphic disorder postoperatively. By examining how developmental…

24. Textbook of Plastic and ....jpg
Written by experts from London’s renowned Royal Free hospital, Textbook of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery offers a comprehensive overview of the vast topic of reconstructive plastic surgery and its various subspecialties for introductory plastic…
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