The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has affected life throughout the world, and dentistry is no exception. Dentistry has already been shown to be a hazardous occupation due to the numerous infectious and health risks associated with it. Over the past year and a…
Almost all fields of dentistry are closely related to newly developed materials, and all clinical improvements often follow or go hand in hand with the creation and development of innovative and higher-performing materials, instruments, and…
Orthodontics is a fast developing science as well as the field of medicine in general. The attempt of this book is to propose new possibilities and new ways of thinking about Orthodontics beside the ones presented in established and outstanding…
The book reflects the ideas of nineteen academic and research experts from different countries. The different sections of this book deal with epidemiological and preventive concepts, a demystification of cranio-mandibular dysfunction, clinical…
Issues in Contemporary Orthodontics is a contribution to the ongoing debate in orthodontics, a discipline of continuous evolution, drawing from new technology and collective experience, to better meet the needs of students, residents, and…
Emerging Trends in Oral Health Sciences and Dentistry is the second book on Oral Health Science. The first book is Oral Health Care-Pediatric, Research, Epidemology and clinical Practices and Oral Health Care-Prosthodontics, Periodontology, Biology,…