Plastic and reconstructive surgery has evolved over the last two decades, with advances in anesthesiology, pharmacology, perioperative medicine, and novel monitoring devices contributing significantly to these patients being able to recover and live…
This OpenAccess - textbook sheds new light on pathology in and around the orbit, which is typically an area where many medical disciplines overlap. Each physician brings a specific expertise, but the goal should be that the end result of all this…
Voices in Psychosis: Interdisciplinary Perspectives deepens and extends the understanding of hearing voices in psychosis in a striking way. For the first time, this collection brings multiple disciplinary, clinical and experiential perspectives to…
As suggested by Arnett in 2000, the “emerging adulthood” is a phase of development characterized by many transitions and challenging tasks. Furnham and Miller, in 2004 and 2017 respectively, underlined, in particular, the role of emancipation,…