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Pengobatan yang berpusat pada pasien bukanlah pendekatan pengobatan yang berpusat pada penyakit, berpusat pada dokter, atau berpusat pada rumah sakit. Dalam buku ini, pendekatan ini ditujukan untuk menyajikan pendekatan pengobatan yang berpusat pada…

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Dalam Noise from the Writing Center, Boquet mengembangkan teori tentang ""kebisingan"" dan kelebihan sebagai elemen penting yang membedakan antara pedagogi pusat penulisan dan akademi secara umum. Dalam menangani masalah administratif, Boquet…

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The go-to textbook “Marine Biology” by Levinton1 leaves little to ask for, except for aordability (over €150,-, even as ebook!). This is in sharp contrast to Kaiser et al.’s “Marine Ecology”,2 whose nonchalant and scientically sloppy writing does…

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Scientists have long researched to understand the environment and man’s place in it. The search for this knowledge grows in importance as rapid increases in
population and economic development intensify humans’ stresses on ecosystems.…

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This book, edited by De-Sheng Pei and Muhammad Junaid, emphasizes that the oceans are a vast but fragile resource that must be protected if we want to protect our livelihoods and our planet. Although marine pollution is a topic of concern for a long…

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Refining NZ is New Zealand’s only oil refinery and is the leading supplier of refined petroleum products to the New Zealand market. The refinery is located at Marsden Point, Whangarei, Northland, and is operated by Refining NZ (RNZ). RNZ has resource…

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The oceans have traditionally been conceived of as boundless and beyond the realm of significant human impacts; the great fisheries of the world were once considered as essentially limitless. By 1883, even though economic pressures on fisheries…

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Bahasa Indonesia: Dalam studi pertama dari Two Studies on Ming History, Charles O. Hucker menyajikan sebuah laporan tentang sebuah kampanye militer yang memberikan wawasan tentang hakikat kewenangan pejabat sipil, pengambilan keputusan, dan hubungan…

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The world's ocean cover about 71 percent of the surface of our planet. They are a key component of the global ecosystem and without them life on Earth would not be possible in its present form. The y regulate the climate and are, at the same time,…

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Ocean coves approximately 70 % of the earth's suface, or 360 million km2. It is estimated to have around 97% of water volume on the earth. It's average depth is about 3,800 m, and 55 % of the planet surface or approximately 77 % of the ocean is deep…
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